%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 24%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 10% P e39584% T eHealth在家中生活的老年人的护理协调:范围审查%A Fjellså,Hilde Marie Hunsbedt %A Husebø,Anne Marie Lunde %A Storm,Marianne %+公共卫生系,斯塔万格大学,斯塔万格大学,Postboks 8600,斯塔万格,4036,挪威,47 51832480,hildemarie.fjellsa@uis.no %K eHealth %K护理协调%K老年人%K初级卫生保健%K手机%D 2022 %7 18.10.2022 %9审查%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:老年人口预计将增加,可能导致更多的老年人患有慢性疾病或多种疾病。患有慢性疾病增加了对协调卫生保健服务的需求。老年人希望自己管理自己的疾病,许多人对使用eHealth进行护理协调(CC)持积极态度。CC可以帮助老年人浏览医疗保健系统,并改善信息共享。目的:本研究旨在绘制居家老年人在CC中使用电子健康的研究文献。本研究评估了老年人和医疗保健专业人员报告的CC活动、结果和影响使用e - health的因素。方法:我们采用范围审查方法。我们搜索了四个数据库——medline、CINAHL、Academic Scoping Premier和scopus——从2009年到2021年的研究文章。 We screened 630 records using the inclusion criteria (older adults aged >65 years, primary health care setting, description of an eHealth program or intervention or measure or experiences with the use of eHealth, and inclusion of CC or relevant activities as described in the Care Coordination Atlas). The analysis of the included articles consisted of both a descriptive and thematic analysis. Results: A total of 16 studies were included in this scoping review. Of these 16 studies, 12 (75%) had a quantitative design, and the samples of the included studies varied in size. The categories of eHealth used for CC among older adults living at home were electronic health records and patient portals, telehealth monitoring solutions, and telephone only. The CC activity communication was evident in all studies (16/16, 100%). The results on patient- and system-level outcomes were mixed; however, most studies (7/16, 44%) reported improved mental and physical health and reduced rehospitalization and hospital admission rates. Observing changes in patients’ health was a facilitator for health care professionals using eHealth in CC. When using eHealth in CC, available support to the patient, personal continuity, and a sense of security and safety were facilitators for older adults. Individual characteristics and lack of experience, confidence, and knowledge were barriers to older adults’ use of eHealth. Health care professionals reported barriers such as increased workload and hampered communication. Conclusions: We mapped the research literature on eHealth-enabled CC for older adults living at home. We did not map the gray literature as we aimed to map the research literature (peer-reviewed research articles published in academic journals). The study results showed that using eHealth to coordinate care for older adults who live at home is promising. To ensure the successful use of eHealth in CC, we recommend customized eHealth-enabled health care services for older adults, including individualized education and support. %M 36256831 %R 10.2196/39584 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39584 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39584 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36256831