@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/31912,作者="Wong, Arkers Kwan Ching and Bayuo, Jonathan and Wong, Frances Kam yue and Yuen, Wing Shan and Lee, Athena Yin Lam and Chang, Pui King and Lai, Jojo Tsz Chui",标题="护士主导的远程健康自我护理推广计划对社区居住老年人生活质量的影响:系统评价和荟萃分析",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2022",月="Mar",日="21",卷="24",数="3",页数="e31912",关键词="远程健康;荟萃分析;自理;居住在社区的老年人;背景:近年来,远程医疗已成为卫生保健专业人员促进健康和提供远程护理的常用渠道。COVID-19进一步促进了这项新技术的广泛使用,该技术可以改善获得护理的机会,同时保护社区免受直接个人接触感染的影响,并减少卫生保健用户和提供者的旅行时间和成本。对于患有多种慢性疾病并需要经常去医院的社区老年人来说尤其如此。护士是全球公认的卫生保健专业人员,他们为老年人提供有效的基于社区的护理,帮助他们实现适当的衰老愿望。然而,迄今为止,尚不清楚远程保健的使用是否可以促进他们在社区居住的老年人中促进自我保健的工作。目的:本综述旨在总结来自随机对照试验的结果,与通常的现场或面对面服务相比,护士主导的远程自我保健促进计划对社区居住的老年人的生活质量(QoL)、自我效能、抑郁和住院率的影响。 Methods: A search of 6 major databases was undertaken of relevant studies published from May 2011 to April 2021. Standardized mean differences (SMDs) and their 95{\%} CIs were calculated from postintervention outcomes for continuous data, while the odds ratio was obtained for dichotomous data using the Mantel--Haenszel test. Results: From 1173 possible publications, 13 trials involving a total of 4097 participants were included in this meta-analysis. Compared with the control groups, the intervention groups of community-dwelling older adults significantly improved in overall QoL (SMD 0.12; 95{\%} CI 0.03 to 0.20; P=.006; I2=21{\%}), self-efficacy (SMD 0.19; 95{\%} CI 0.08 to 0.30; P<.001; I2=0{\%}), and depression level (SMD --0.22; 95{\%} CI --0.36 to --0.08; P=.003; I2=89{\%}). Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests that employing telehealth in nurse-led self-care promotion programs may have a positive impact on older adults, although more studies are needed to strengthen the evidence base, particularly regarding organization and delivery. Trial Registration: PROSPERO (Prospective International Register of Systematic Reviews) CRD42021257299; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display{\_}record.php?RecordID=257299 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/31912", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e31912", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31912", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35311680" }